Houses for sale in Rijswijk


Are you searching for a house for sale in Rijswijk?

Explore our extensive selection of properties in this charming city. Our expert team is ready to assist you in finding your dream home. Below is our current property listing; discover your ideal residence in Rijswijk.

Sniplaan 24, Rijswijk
kamers4 rooms
€ 619.000 k.k.
Sionsweg 26, Rijswijk
kamers5 rooms
€ 925.000 k.k.

Unique property listings in Rijswijk

At Van Daal Makelaardij, we offer not only the properties listed on Funda but also exclusive homes in Rijswijk that are unavailable elsewhere. This includes houses soon to be on the market or properties exclusively featured on our website. Stay ahead with the latest listings and increase your chances of finding your perfect home.

Didn't find what you were looking for?

If you haven't found what you're seeking, don't worry! Your dream home might be waiting in a nearby city like Delft. Explore our property listings in Delft. Are you specifically looking for an apartment in Rijswijk? We also have a comprehensive selection of apartments in Rijswijk. Or perhaps you're interested in renting? Check out our rental properties in Rijswijk. We're here to help you find your ideal home.

Partner with a Buying Agent

Purchasing a home is a significant step and can often be an intensive process. After a second viewing, it's wise to enlist your own NVM Buying Agent. They will critically assess the property, evaluate the asking price, verify essential details and zoning plans, negotiate the best price on your behalf, and guide you through to the transfer. This ensures you secure a great deal.

The buying agents at Van Daal Makelaardij have in-depth knowledge of the local market and provide expert advice and excellent service throughout the buying process, all for a fixed fee. Want to learn more about our buying assistance? Schedule an appointment and discover why our clients rate us 9.2!

Need help finding your ideal home?

Have you been searching for a while but haven't found the right house for sale in Rijswijk? Let us assist you, completely free of charge! Fill in your housing preferences and contact details on our search request page and take advantage of our search service. Our team will actively seek out suitable properties for you. You'll receive personalized advice and support in finding your ideal home in Rijswijk. Together, we'll find your dream house.

Request a search

Looking for new construction projects?

Are you interested in new construction projects? At Van Daal Makelaardij, we understand that purchasing a new-build home presents unique challenges. That's why we're here as your new-build coach and buying agent.

More than 40% of home seekers enlist their own buying agent when purchasing an existing home, but this percentage is much lower for new construction. This is notable because a buying agent is also crucial for new-build properties.

Why engage a new-build buying agent?

The selling agent aims to sell the property as quickly as possible and for the highest price, whether it's new construction or existing buildings. By hiring a buying agent for new construction, you have someone looking out for your interests. Our professionals guide you through the entire process of purchasing a new-build home, allowing you to buy your new residence with peace of mind.

The cost of a buying agent is a fixed amount and represents only a fraction of the total purchase price. Often, we recoup our fee by preventing costly or unpleasant surprises.

Are you considering hiring a purchasing agent for your new-build home? Schedule an appointment and discover how we can assist you. We are here to guide you through the entire purchasing process, ensuring you can buy your new-build home with complete peace of mind.

How can we help you?

We look forward to assisting you in finding your dream home in Rijswijk.


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